My Learning from Advent of TS 2023
Day 1,2,3
East peasy for now.
Day 4
type Address = { address: string; city: string };
type PresentDeliveryList<T> = Record<keyof T, Address>;
Learnt that we can make object type using Record
and key of
Day 5
type SantasList<A extends readonly any[],B extends readonly any[]> = [...A, ...B];
You can concat arrays apparently.
Day 6
No idea !!
Day 7
type AppendGood<T extends Record<string, any>> = {[K in keyof T as `good_${string & K}`] : T[K]};
This is string interpolation I believe? Just renaming keys
Day 8
type RemoveNaughtyChildren<T> = {[K in keyof T as K extends `naughty_${string}` ? never : K] : T[K]};
Filtering keys out by making them never
Day 9
Wtf? How do I reverse a type?
Day 10
type StreetSuffixTester<A extends string, B extends string> = A extends `${string}${B}` ? true : false;
Similar to the filtering types above.
Day 11
This was difficult, below is my attempt 1.
type SantaListProtector<T> = {readonly [K in keyof T] : (T[K] extends object ? SantaListProtector<T[K]> : T[K])};
I am not sure why this is not correct, the recursive type does not evaluate !!
{ readonly hacksore: SantaListProtector<() => 'santa'>; readonly somekey: string;}
I know the logic is flawed but the evaluation should throw errors and not just stop evaluating at the first level of recursion?
Second attempt !
type SantaListProtector<T> = T extends object ? {readonly [K in keyof T] : SantaListProtector<T[K]>} : T;
now the function got converted into empty type ??? why?
{ readonly hacksore: {}>; readonly somekey: string;}